We offer warm, one-on-one lactation guidance to help you feed your little one with love and confidence. Our experts are like friendly guides on your feeding journey, making it smooth and joyful for you and your baby!

OrganizationLocationContact InformationFee?
Breastfeed with ConfidenceVirtual and in-person, based in Mount Vernonbreastfeedwithconfidence.com
(360) 395-5034 (texts preferred) 
Community Action of Skagit County WICVirtualcommunityactionskagit.org/wic
(360) 416-7595 
Cuddles and MilkIn-person, based in Mount Vernoncuddlesandmilk.com/in-person-visits-and-classes
(707) 241-3206 
Island HealthIn-person, based in Anacortesislandhealth.org/classes
(360) 299-1309 
Skagit Regional HealthBased in Mount Vernonskagitregionalhealth.org/programs-services/family-birthcenters/education-andresources/lactation-resources
(360) 428-2283 
United General District 304 WICVirtualunitedgeneral.org/classes/#wic-bf
(360) 854-0435  

Make an appointment with an IBCLC* or WIC Peer Counselor if you have prenatal concerns or things don’t go as planned. Most lactation services are covered by medial insurance but check first. Lactation support is provided free at WIC clinics.

OrganizationCare ProviderType of VisitContact Information
Breastfeed with Confidence Teri Shilling, MS, IBCLC Home Visitbreastfeedwithconfidence.com
(360) 395-5034 (texts preferred) 
Community Action WICTeri Shilling, MS, IBCLC Office Visitscommunityactionskagit.org/wic
(360) 416-7595 
Cuddles and Milk Katie Oshita, RN, BSN, IBCLC Office or Telehealth Visitscuddlesandmilk.com
(707) 241-3206 
Island Health Teri Shilling, MS, IBCLC 
Sara Weeks, DO
Office Visitsislandhealth.org
(360) 293-3101 
Loveblossom Lactation & Wellness Sharon Sullivan, RN, IBCLC Home or Telehealth Visitsloveblossom.net
(360) 587-2033 
Majestic Nurturing Kate Majestic, MA IBCLC Home Visitsmajesticnurturing.com
(360) 320-3161 
Skagit Regional Health Office Visitsskagitregionalhealth.org/programs-services/family-birthcenters/education-andresources/lactation-resources
(360) 428-2283 
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community Office Visitsswinomish.org/resources/health-wellness/medical-clinic.aspx (360) 466-3167 
Wild Sage MidwiferyRebecca Bartsch, MSM, LM, IBCLCHome, Office, or Telehealth Visitstulipcitymidwife.com
(360) 559-2504
(Texts preferred)

All Community and Peer Support Groups are free to attend and open to all.

OrganizationLocation Type of SupportContact Information
Community Action of Skagit County – WICBased in Mount VernonPeer Counselor Supportcommunityactionskagit.org/wic
(360) 416-7595 
The Holding SpaceBased in AnacortesSupport Grouptheholdingspacebwc.com/classes-groups 
United General District 304 WICBased in Sedro-Woolley, Concrete, and StanwoodPeer Counselor Supportunitedgeneral.org/ breastfeeding-support/
(360) 854-0435 

Check with your healthcare insurance provider for information about coverage for these services. In some cases, a referral from your primary health care provider is required.

Oral Restriction (tongue/lip tie) evaluation and treatment

OrganizationLocationCare ProviderContact Information
Anacortes MidwiferyBased in AnacortesKelly McKittrick, ARNP, CNM, IBCLCanacortesmidwiferycare.com
(360) 298-8044
Island Health Based in AnacortesSara Weeks, DO
Jason Blair, MD
Jason Hogge, MD
(360) 293-3101 

Infant Physical / Occupational Therapists

OrganizationLocationCare ProviderContact Information
Fidalgo Island Pediatric Occupational TherapyBased in AnacortesCarlene Nichols, MOT, OTR/Lfidalgo-island-occupational-therapy.com
(206) 794-6030
Valley Kids TherapyBased in BurlingtonJenna Lisenby, PT, MSPT, DPTvalleykidstherapy.com
(360) 336-3432

Download a Printable Resource list

Twice a year we create a list of current resources in Skagit County. Click below to download a printable copy of the resources listed on this page. If you know of a resource that should be added, go to the About Us page and send us a message.